Install Stripe for Front

How to install the Stripe sidebar plugin for Front


You must to be logged in to Front as a company admin role.

Installation steps

  1. Open Front, and click into Settings, then </> Developers.

  2. (Optional - add a logo). You may wish to add a Stripe logo to your plugin. You can download this .png logo file and add it in the Basic Information plugin tab.

  1. Click the Features tab, then click Create sidebar plugin.

  2. You should now be on the Create plugin form. Enter the following as the Side panel URL, and ensure you select the Clipboard component, then click Create.

Side panel URL:
  1. Congratulations! The app should now be installed and ready to access in your Front inbox.

Configuration steps

The Stripe plugin is now installed and ready to access in Front. You'll need to follow steps in the plugin to link the plugin to Stripe and fetch your data.

  1. Open Front, and click into the Stripe plugin in your sidebar. You should see a welcome message asking you to create a Stripe API key.

  2. Follow Stripe's instructions to create a new API key. We advise creating a Restricted Key to avoid to avoid granting this plugin more Stripe access permissions than necessary. The key should be granted the following scopes in order to support all features the plugin offers;

    • read:customers (required)

    • read:subscriptions

    • read:invoices

    • read:charges

    • read:prices

    • read:quotes

Upgrade or Unlock

By default, you will be using the free version of the plugin, which reads limited Stripe resources only. To unlock all app features, you will need to purchase a license, and add your license key to the plugin:

  1. Purchase the license from this page.

  2. You will receive a confirmation email for your purchase. The email will contain a license key.

Last updated